Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time to get going again

I really, really HATE wintertime. Recently i biffed it on some stairs and totally tweaked my knee. Although painful, this is not a new occurrence and wonky knees have been a constant companion ever since I started getting tall.

I've decided (finally) that enough is enough and I'm going to do something about it. So my resolution for the year is to get those knees back in shape. This means going to the gym and lifting weights and using the giant rubber band thingy to do exercises called a "grapevine" and other weird stuff like that.

If you know any knee strengthening exercises I can do, pass em along. Hopefully i'll soon have quadriceps that can crush a walnut. I'll keep you updated :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas & New Years 2010

I know, I'm supposed to be looking to the future, but there was lots of fun stuff I didn't post about the most recent holidays.

Like . . .Chris' parents were able to come to Utah the week after Christmas. We got to got to temple square with them as well as Chris' brother Justin & his fam.

Then, later that week they came up to our house and had New Years dinner with us. Too bad we had to wait all day! We grossly underestimated how long it would take the turkey to cook :( It was worth the wait though :)

Mmmmm, it was delicious!

Toasting the new year with sparkling cider!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Year in review

Another year gone by. It's amazing how quick it goes. We definitley saw some great challenges and also some great rewards. Here are the highlights:

-We purchased a flat screen TV - blessing!
-Blaire got to go to OK to train a whole staff of C/S reps - blessing
-Blaire got laid off - challenge
-Blaire got a new job as AmeriCorps VISTA- blessing
-Chris was made head of the Food Program - blessing/challenge
-We celebrated out 4th wedding anniversary - blessing
-The transmission went out in the Saturn - challenge
-Blaire sold her beater car - blessing
-We paid off the Saturn - blessing
-We purchased a 09 Sonata - blessing/challenge
-We drove to Kansas for Thanksgiving - blessing
-We got to spend quality time with the Saunders clan over Christmas - blessing
-Blaire lost 10 lbs - blessing
-Chris lost 17 lbs - blessing
-We got to see Brittany & Dan again in December - blessing
-Chris was voted "Favorite Health Department Employee" - blessing
-We got to have Mom & Dad Nelson for New Years Eve - blessing

Overall the blessings outweighed the challenges and I'm so grateful. Hopefully 2011 will be even better!