Tuesday, February 23, 2010

- 12

No this is not a report of the temperature today, although it might be accurate :)

This is an update on my weight loss progress and I'm happy to say I've lost 12 pounds since January 1st! Who'd have thought those crazy dieticians and doctors would be right when they said you need to watch both diet AND exercise. How wacky is that? I also have to give mad props to Weight Watchers Online. It's helped me stay on track without having to go to a meeting every week - YAY!

Only 8 more lbs to go and i'll reach my target weight, which is close to what i weighed when i got married. I wouldn't say i'll be running around in a bikini anytime soon, but i definately feel healthier and i have more energy.

In other news, I finally got a job interview for tomorrow. Eventhough Februrary is the shortest month, as far as the job hunt has gone, it feels like the longest. I really, really, really, really want to get this position because it sounds like a great challenge, but also fun and interesting. I'll give more deets if i get it.

Lastly, I finally made my etsy shop pay off. I used the proceeds from the last year and a half to buy myself a Cricut machine! YAY!!!!!! You can get brand new ones for a steal on ebay and the same goes for cartriges too. I'm still waiting to get my font cartridge, but when i do, it'll be scrabook city!

Did you know they are making a Critcut machine for cake decorating? There's a demo online and it blew my mind :) If people get a hold of this machine, professional cake makers will be out of business for sure. It's that cool :)


Britany said...

Wow!! Good for you! You have WAY more determination than I do. I'm trying to exercise more and I just can't get the motivation to do it. I'm so proud of you! Yay! Love you!

Missy W. said...

Blaire, I've missed you!

Janelle said...

Good for you on both accounts! :) I am so proud of you and your weight loss- way to go! I need to follow your example. And you will LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cricut - I use mine all the time! ENJOY!

Candace Davidsavor said...

Hooray! Way to go on the -12. I hope you get the job. Can't wait to hear what it is.